Moonlight Consultancy is an IT consultancy firm dedicated to empowering small and medium businesses with the information necessary to help make the best business decisions allowing them to take full control of their respective market. The best decisions are always those that are made with as much applicable information as possible. We make sure that you have access to all this information at your fingertips.
We are here to help a business at any stage
If you are asking questions like …
My business isn't going to survive the current COVID situation, how do I save it?
I've lost my job, how can my skills be used to earn an income?
Should I have a website to reach my audience?
Which company should host my website?
Do I need to hire someone for the Internet?
How do I protect my data from exposure of leakage?
Can I automate my daily tasks to make my business run faster?
The program I have currently doesn’t let me do something I really need, how can change that?
Reach out to us now and we can help!
Request business reportCompanies rely on technology to do a lot of tasks. However, most companies are not technology companies. We are there to show you how technology can enable your business to outperform the competition.
You don’t let your business stop working for days or even hours when it is critical, so we wont let technology do it either!
People have been talking about the Cloud for many years now. At first it was something that people were hesitant to adopt.
Moonlight IT Consultancy is a strong believer of enabling businesses to be online 24/7 and available where ever required. Moving a set of business services to the cloud makes this undertaking much simpler.
The cloud can be simplified to a trusted 3rd party that has millions of computers that you are able to utilise as needed. These trusted 3rd parties are large companies that invest billions of dollars ensuring their computers never fail. Of course a cloud service still has failures on their end, but they have used that large money investment to also enable redundancy of data, so that your business is actually running on several computers and when one breaks, the others take over to finish the job. This means you can have complete faith that your data is safe, secure and always available to allow you to be as flexible with your customers as required.
Gone are the days where you have the need for a computer running in the corner that no one can touch because if it turns off, or worse breaks, the business is down.
We want our customers to understand the benefits of utilising the Cloud.
Please Contact Us for further information on how we can help your business succeed.
COVID-19 has presented a very challenging time for businesses, but with these challenges come opportunities. With the current situation in Australia more than ever businesses need to be available online. You may have lost your job, you may be really struggling due to the face to face interaction you normally receive. You may have a great idea, and you need help launching it.
Moonlight IT Consultancy will help you day or night to ensure your business can be successful online.
We are a strong believer of enabling businesses to be online 24/7 and enabling your customers to reach you easily.
Recently many business have had to pivot their core business to enable people to reach them. Together we can ensure you are aware of all the different ways your business could evolve onto an online business and we will be along side you as you embark on a way to get the customer base you need.
Change is a difficult time for everyone, we want to make that transition easier and safer for you.
Once you are established online. You now have a wider audience, you can reach people across Australia and the around Globe, allowing your business to continually grow.
Please Contact Us for further information on how we can help you succeed.
Data is your most important asset as a business in this continually developing tech world.
The hardest thing about data is knowing where and when to collect it and consume it. Modern developments in technology allow businesses to collect all their data and store it for usage at a later date when the realisation of how that data can be used is determined.
Have you ever looked back and said if we had a certain information or statistics we could tell what our customers prefer? or something similar?
Think about the possibilities of collecting data. How many customers come across your site vs. those that complete a purchase or fill in a form. Where are they navigating on your site? Are they starting to fill in a purchase order and then stop at a certain point?
We at Moonlight IT Consultancy want to make it easier for you to reach your goals and grow your business. Data is integral for success.
A business needs to be able to operate during technical failures. Companies like Netflix and Uber have build systems that cause lots of technical failures that constantly tests their companies resilience in production. Refer below for further information
We have seen businesses who have had to cancel weeks of appointments due to their computer crashing and no one being aware of the schedule of patients. This outage cost the business thousands of dollars. This problem could have been resolved simply and cheaply with proper guidance from the right IT professional.
Moonlight IT Consultancy will review the current tools you use in your business and complete a report based on these details. We don’t just take a look at your tech, we review your business processes and the way you complete tasks. This helps us complete a wholistic view of your company and allows us to provide direct recommendations.
We recommend the following products:
Mobile Applications
Social Media
Product Distribution
Data warehousing
Payment services
Product tracking
Process automation
and more...